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What is


What's the difference between a Coach, Mentor,

Consultant or Contractor?

As a Business or Executive COACH, we work with our clients to help them to:


Change their Thinking, so they can

change their World.


Coaches work in a collaborative, structured approach and in the service of the person being coached to remove interference to their Performance Potential.  Coaches work with their clients to:


  • Define measurable goals and outcomes

  • Uncover obstacles to achievement

  • Challenge existing thinking to promote new options

  • Identify achievable and realistic way forward


Mentoring is an adviser based engagement, where the Mentor through their experience aims to impart wisdom, ideas & options to the person being mentored.


Consulting is focused on bringing expertise to a problem or opportunity & using that expertise to provide options for outcomes.  It is a more “directive” approach & less focused on achieving personal growth potential.


Contracting is where a person is engaged to undertake a function of your business that you don’t have the skills for (ie recruitment, project management).



We can work with you in any or all of these models depending on your circumstances and desired approach.

Business & Executive Coaching, Mentoring & Podcast | Adelaide | Startup

Who uses a


Why do leaders engage a COACH?

Seeing PAST the Trees

Focus, Focus, FOCUS

A sounding board

Why engage a business coach


No person is an Island.


Working with a Coach who has had significant experience in running businesses will bring an extra level of expertise to your business 

Why engage a business coach

Business leaders can often get bogged down in the day-to-day activities of running a business (& there are a lot of them!). 


A Coach will help you step back and realise the opportunities available to you & your business

Why engage a business coach

From identifying new markets, reviewing the profitability of your products or customers, the objective view of a Coach can be just what is needed to get your company focused, out of a rut or take it to the next level

Why engage a business coach

Whether or not you have a team around you, running your own business can be lonely. 


A Coach provides a sounding board for ideas, challenges & opportunities – without the bias & judgement those inside your business may have

Coach, Mentor, Podcast, Adviser, Consultant


©2017-2022  The Self Made Theory

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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